Rice Based Cropping Systems
Rice Based Cropping Systems
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Pest and disease Management

To limit pest and disease incidence in a rice crop, the following recommendations can be adopted.

  • Practice proper cleaning of equipment
  • Clean the field between seasons by managing stubbles and ratoons, and by maintaining & repairing bunds
  • Use clean seeds and resistant varieties
  • Certified seed is recommended. If certified seed is not available, use clean seed having no discolored seeds, weed seeds or other rice varieties mixed in
  • Use short-duration and resistant cultivars to decrease insect- pest populations
  • Plant at the same time as your neighbors (or within a 2 week window) to minimize insect, disease, bird, and rat pressure on individual fields.
  • Do not over apply fertilizer. Following specific fertilizer recommendations is important because high nitrogen can increase susceptibility to certain pests and diseases
  • Encourage natural pest enemies
  • Overuse of pesticide is common among farmers and can actually lead to pest outbreaks
  • Natural enemies of rice pests are killed when pesticides are applied which can lead to a pest outbreak
  • Rice crops can recover from early damage without affecting yield
  • Get appropriate information on specific diseases that require early management

When deciding to use a chemical for pest and disease control, it is important to:

  • Use well-maintained spray equipment that has been properly calibrated;
  • Apply the dosage recommended by the manufacturer; and
  • Follow the safety precautions for mixing and spray applications.

Pest and disease management
Pest and disease management