Rice Based Cropping Systems
Rice Based Cropping Systems
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Rice Doctor Odisha

Version: 1.0.9

The Rice Doctor is a mid-season diagnostics tool for rice crop problems caused by pests, diseases and abiotic stresses due to agronomic mis-management, nutritional imbalance or the environment.

Android  install

SeedCast - Odisha

Version: 1.1

SeedCast is an app-based digital tool designed to reliably collate demand for rice seed from dealers, which is generated based on farmer’s demand. The app also provides information regarding different rice varieties suitable for the user’s location.

Android  install

Rice Crop Manager

Version: 1.0

Rice Crop Manager provides site specific nutrient management using a farmer’ s answers to questions on his or her rice farming practices to automatically generate a rice crop management guidelines aimed at increasing the farmer’ s net income.
