Field preparation | Prepare good seed bed for proper germinationPlough the soil 2-3 times and then plankEnsure seed bed to be free of weeds and clodsFor summer crop, till after irrigation |
Sowing time | Kharif: mid June to 1st week of JulyRabi: Second fortnight of October in upland conditions; second fortnight of November for rice-fallow conditions)Summer: 3rd week of February to 1st week of April |
Seed rate | Kharif: 12 – 15 kg seed/haRabi: 18 – 20 kg seed/ha in upland conditions, 40 kg in rice fallowsSummer: 20 – 25 kg seed/ha |
Spacing | Kharif: Inter row – 30 – 45 cm; inter plant – 10 cmRabi: inter row – 30 cm; inter plant – 15 cmSummer: inter row – 30 cm; inter plant – 5 – 8 cm |
Method | Manual: Broadcast behind plough Mechanical: Use a multicrop seeder |
Seed treatment | For soil and seed germination related issues: | Seed treatment with Trichoderma Sp. @ 5-10 gms/kg of seed |
For sucking pest control: | Imidacloprid 70 WS @7g/kg |
Mix well with seed before sowing |
Nutrient management | Before sowing | Apply 15 – 20 kg/ha of Nitrogen, 40-50 kg/ha Phosphorus, 30 – 40 kg/ha of Potash at the time of last plowing |
Fertilizer should be placed 5-7 cm below the seed at the time of sowing |
Water management | 3 – 4 irrigations required1st irrigation at 20 – 25 days after sowingIrrigate every 15 – 20 days post first irrigationMaintain sufficient moisture from flowring to pod development stageAvoid water logging |
Weed management | Weed at least twice: 20 – 25 daysAfter sowing, 40 – 45 days after sowingChemical control: Pendemethelin 30% EC @ 0.75/kg a.i/ha in 400 – 600 ml of waterUse flat fan nozzle for spraying |
Disease management | |
Yellow mosaic virus | Causal organism | Gemini group of viruses transmitted by white fly |
Symptoms | Tender leaves show yellow spotsOlder leaves turn yellow |
Control | Rogue out diseased plantsControl white flyTriazophos 40 EC@2.0 ml/l orOxydemeton methyl 25 EC@2.0 ml/lSpray at 10 – 15 days intervalsPlant resistant varieties |
Powdery Mildew | Causal organism | Erysiphepolygoni |
Symptoms | Small, irregular powdery spots appear on the upper surface of the leaves, sometimes on both the surfaces.The disease becomes severe during flowering and pod development stage.The white powdery spots completely cover the leaves, petioles, stem and even the pods.The plant assumes greyish white appearance; leaves turn yellow and finally shed.Often pods are malformed and small with few ill-filled seeds. |
Control | Rouge out infected plantsSpray with NSKE @ 50 g/lt of water or neem oil 3000 ppm @ 20 ml/lt twice from the day of appearance in 10 days intervalSpray with eucalyptus leaf extract 10% at initiation of the disease and 10 later afterSpray with soluble Sulphur 80 WP @ 4 kg/lt or Carbendazim 50 WP @ 1g/ltUse flat fan nozzle for spray application |
Leaf blight | Causal organism | Xanthomonasphaseoli Dowson |
Symptoms | This is a common disease of blackgram occurring on the foliage at any stage of the growth.The fungus attacks the foliage causing characteristic leaf spots and blight. Early blight is first observed on the plants as small, black lesions mostly on the older foliage.Spots enlarge, and by the time they are one-fourth inch in diameter or larger, concentric rings in a bull’s eye pattern can be seen in the center of the diseased area.Tissue surrounding the spots may turn yellow. If high temperature and humidity occur at this time, much of the foliage is killed.Lesions on the stems are similar to those on leaves, sometimes girdling the plant if they occur near the soil line.Transplants showing infection by the late blight fungus often die when set in the field. The fungus also infects the fruit, generally through the calyx or stem attachment.Lesions attain considerable size, usually involving nearly the entire fruit; concentric rings are also present on the fruit. |
Control | Basal application of Zinc Sulphate @ 25kg/ha or neem cake @ 150 kg/ha or soil application of Pseudomonas fluorescence or Trichodermaviride @ 2.5 kg/ha + 50 kg of well decomposed FYM at the time of sowing helps in preventionSpray Carbendazim 50 WP @ 1g/ltRogue out diseased plants |
Insect pest management | | |
Bean aphid | Causal organism | Aphiscraccivora Koch |
Symptoms | Leaves, inflorescence stalk and young pods covered with dark coloured aphidsHoney dew secretion with black ant movementsIdentification of the pest Nymphs and Adult –dark coloured with cornicles in the abdomen |
Control | Spray any one of the following insectcides (Spray fluid 500 l/ha)Emamectin benzoate 5%SG 220 g/haIndoxacarb 15.8%SC 333 ml/haNeem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5% twice followed by triazophos 0.05%Neem oil 2% |
Tobacco caterpillar | Causal organism | Spodopteralitura |
Symptoms | Feed gregariously on the leaf surface for about 2-3 days and leave behind a membranous weaveThe larvae make irregular holes on the surface of the leaf and in severe cases skeletonize the leaf |
Control | Collection and destruction of egg masses and newly hatched larvaeSpray of microbial pesticides like SINPVFoliar application of Novaluron 10 EC @ 0.75 ml/ltSpray extract of custard apple as feeding deterrent against the pest |
Spotted pod borer | Causal organism | Marucatestulalis |
Symptoms | Defoliation in early stagesLarva’s head alone thrust inside the pods and the rest of the body hanging out.Pods with round holesLarva – Greenish white with brown head. It has two pairs of dark spots on the back of each segmentAdult – Forewings – light brown colour with white markings; Hindwings – white colour with brown markings at the lateral edge |
Control | Spray Bacillus thuringiensis 5 WG @ 1.0 g/liter of waterFoliar spray of Profenofos 50 EC @ 2.0 ml/liter of waterSpray of spinosad 45 SC @ 0.2 ml/liter of water is most effective in controlling this pestPhysical shaking of the infested plants over the vessels of oil and water or oily cloth help reduce the population |
Harvest | Harvest when more than 70 – 80% pods are mature and turn blackHarvest in two rounds to avoid shattering losses |
Threshing | Beat with stick or trample using bullocksUse a pulse thresher |
Drying | Clean seeds should be sundried for 3-4 days to bring down the moisture levels to 8-10% |
Storage | Store in appropriate storage containers like the painted pot or an air tight bagSeeds can be stored in the IRRI super bag |