Rice Based Cropping Systems
Rice Based Cropping Systems
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Rice varieties of Odisha

Variety selection is one of the crucial aspects of rice cultivation. In order to ensure a good crop, higher yield and better income, locally adapted varieties must be selected based on climatic conditions, duration, resistance to biotic & abiotic stresses, grain quality, stature, potential yield, etc.

Factors to consider while choosing a variety:

  • Varietal adaptability to local climatic condition
  • Duration and yield potential
  • Tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses
  • Suitability as per the method of establishment and management practices
  • Good grain quality having aroma, taste, shape and cooking characteristics.

Consult with a local agriculture officer to know about the best performing rice varieties in your area. Here you can choose suitable varieties on the basis of your local farming condition by selecting district, ecology, season and stress condition.

VarietyYear Of ReleaseDurationSuitable EcologySuitable SeasonPlant HeightGrain TypeDays to 50% FloweringAbiotic Stress ToleranceBiotic Stress ToleranceSpecial FeaturePotential Yield (Kg/ha)Download
Arize 84332022Medium (120 -140 days)Rainfed and irrigated medium landsBoth Kharif and RabiSemi DwarfMS110DroughtMR:BLB, BPHTolerant to drought4500 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
CR Dhan 3092019Short (120 or Less than 120 days)Rainfed and irrigated medium landsBoth Kharif and RabiSemi DwarfLS90Minimal stressR: SB,LF,WM-4500 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
CR Dhan 5102019Long (140 or More than 140 days)Rainfed semi deep water lowlandsKharifTallSB130Minimal stressMR: BL,BB,SB,LFTolerant to lodging. Suitable for Semideep area4600 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
CR Dhan 5112019Long (140 or More than 140 days)Rainfed semi deep water lowlandsKharifSemi DwarfSB128Minimal stressMR;BL,NBL, BB,SB.WBPH,LFSuitable for Semideep area4200 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
CR Dhan 801 (Phalguni)2019Long (140 or More than 140 days)Rainfed and Irrigated shallow lowlandsKharifSemi DwarfSB112SubmergenceMR:BL,NBL, BLB, SB, LFTolerant to Submergence, non-lodging6300 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
CR Dhan 802 (Subhas)2019Long (140 or More than 140 days)Rainfed and Irrigated shallow lowlandsKharifSemi DwarfSB110DroughtMR: NBL,ShR, BLB,RTV,GM,SBTolerant to drought and Sub., non-lodging6500 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
Ashutosh2018Long (140 or More than 140 days)Rainfed and Irrigated shallow lowlandsKharifSemi DwarfSB125SubmergenceMR: BL, LB, ShR, ShB, BLB, LFTolerant to Submergence4500 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
Bina Dhan 172018Short (120 or Less than 120 days)Rainfed and irrigated medium landsBoth Kharif and RabiDwarfMS80DroughtMR: BL, LB, ShR,ShB,BLB, LFTolerant to drought, Non-lodging5500 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
BRRI Dhan 752018Short (120 or Less than 120 days)Rainfed and irrigated uplandsBoth Kharif and RabiSemi DwarfMB80Drought-Tolerant to drought5000 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ
Govinda2018Medium (120 -140 days)Rainfed and irrigated medium landsBoth Kharif and RabiSemi DwarfLS103Minimal stressMR:BLB,ShB,GMResistant to lodging5394 English ଓଡ଼ିଆ


GRAIN TYPE: LS-Long Slender, MS-Medium Slender, SS-Short Slender, LB-Long Bold, MB-Medium Bold, SB-Short Bold, SF-Super fine

BIOTIC STRESSES: BL- Leaf Blast, NBL-Neck Blast, BLB-Bacterial Leaf Blight, RTV-Rice Tungro Virus, ShB- Sheath Blight, ShR-Sheath Rot, BS-Brown Spot, WM-Water Mold, GM-Gall Midge, SB-Stem Borer, BPH- Brown Plant Hopper, WBPH-White Backed Plant Hopper, GLH-Green Leaf Hopper, LF-Leaf Folder

MR-Moderately resistant, R-Resistant, T-TolerantOpen configuration options