Oilseeds occupy a special status in Indian agricultural production and economy after cereals and pulses. Attributed by high oil content along with several vitamins, minerals and fatty acids (both saturated and unsaturated), oilseeds are energy dense foods that have a vital position in human diet. They are also used by industries for preparation of lubricants, Vanaspati, soap, detergent, cosmetics, etc. In addition to this, oilseeds are used for therapeutic applications, preparing medicines, animal feed, and organic manure. With about 28 Mha area under oilseeds cultivation and production of 36Mt, ( Average yield 1284 kg/ha, 2020-21), India occupies a remarkable position in the world as the fourth leading oilseeds producing country after USA, China and Brazil.
Odisha is a progressive state in oilseeds production with an acreage of more than 0.59 Mha having a production of 0.52 Mt and productivity of 887 kg/ha (2018-19). Being a state with rich in diverse agro-ecological conditions, Odisha has optimal conditions for the production of all major annual oilseeds including seven edible oilseeds, viz. Groundnut, Mustard, Sunflower, Sesame, Niger, Safflower, and Soybean. Castor and linseed are grown as non-edible oilseeds. Among all, Groundnut, Sesame, Mustard and Niger are majorly grown across districts. In Odisha, Mustard and Groundnut are cultivated in a larger scale during Rabi season. Similarly, Sesame and Niger are cultivated largely in Kharif season. As per Agricultural Census, 2015-16, districts like Ganjam, Malkangiri, Jajpur, Koraput, and Bargarh were leading in terms of gross cropped area under oilseed crops in the state.
Major constraints in oilseed production in the state:
- Though these oilseeds are energy rich crops requiring higher inputs with better management practices, more than 85% of the area is under rain fed cultivation, grown with low inputs and poor management practices
- Due to the higher emphasis on the field grains, oilseed crops are generally grown as intercrop or mixed crop. When sown as sole crop they are generally grown in marginal and sub marginal areas where the fertility status of the land is low for the raising of field grains so the farmers use these crops just not to keep the land fallow. These crops are thus subjected to the vagaries of monsoon and most of the crop suffer due to moisture stress during flowering, peg initiation, and pod filling stages
- There is scarcity of short, high yielding, input responsive biotic and abiotic stress resistant varieties for different conditions
- These crops are affected by pests and diseases like, aphids, powdery mildew, rust etc. that causes severe loss in production
Enhancing oilseed production and productivity:
- Management of rice fallows by adopting proper management practices such as raising early duration rice varieties
- Selection of proper oilseed varieties with suitable agronomic practices
- Production and promotion of hybrid seed having short stature, high oil content and short duration
- Adoption of intercropping and sequential cropping for maximizing profit and enhancing area of oilseeds
- Transfer of technologies from research lab to farmers’ field via front line demonstrations, trials, and different trainings to convince the farmers
- Good agronomic practices such as land levelling, seed treatment, proper nutrient and water management, good drainage facilities with proper weed and pest management practices should be practiced
- Adoption of crop insurance with reasonable minimum support prices to attract new growers or avoiding the shifting of profession