After harvesting, the rice paddy undergoes postharvest processes including drying, storage, and milling to ensure good eating quality and marketability.
Harvesting the crop on time is very important to maximize yields and grain quality. Crops harvested too early will have many unfilled and immature grains. Immature grains break easily when milled and will not germinate when used as seed.
Rice is usually harvested at grain moisture content (MC) between 24 and 26% (wet basis). Any delays in drying, incomplete drying, or uneven drying will result in qualitative and quantitative losses.
Rice is best stored as paddy because the husk provides some protection against insects and helps prevent grain quality deterioration. A safe or hermetic storage system prevents the grain from getting wet after drying and also gives protection from insects, rodents, and birds.
Milling and Processing
Milling rice paddy removes the husk and bran layer to produce white rice. Rice is best milled at 13-15% moisture content. Best results are attained when the process is completed in a number of stages.
Rice is a staple food for the majority of the world’s population. It is used for seed, direct food purpose, brewing and culinary preparations. In addition to this, the unconsumed portion of rice like straw, husk, and bran are called as main by-products and used as animal feeds along with raw materials in rice/allied industries.