Rice Based Cropping Systems
Rice Based Cropping Systems
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Horse Gram

Horse gram is grown in almost all states of India but 90-95% area is confined to five major states of Odisha (16.0%). Tamil Nadu (18.0%), Karnataka, (34.0%), Maharashtra (18.0%) and Karnataka (16.0%). The grain is mainly used for human consumption as ‘dal’ as well as in the preparation of do call ‘rasam’and also as a concentrated feed for cattle. It may also be used as green manure.


  • The horse gram plants grow well in almost all types of soil. But they prefer well-drained and fertile soil which is rich in organic contents.
  • The plants are relatively tolerant to moderate salinity levels i.e. pH up to 8.
  • They can grow in soil with heavy metal stresses, compared to other pulse crops grown in semi-arid regions.


  • Arjia Kulthi-21, BaizuKulthi,Birsa Kulthi-1,BJPL -1,CRHG-01,CRHG-02,CRHG-03,CRHG- 04,CRIDA 18R,Dapoli- 1,Deepali,Hebbal Hurali-1,Hebbal hurali-2,HPK-2,KBHG-1,KS-2,Madhu,Maru kulthi-1,Palem-1,Palem-2,PratapKulthi -1,Paiyur-2,PHG-9, VL Gahat-1.
  • These are the common and popular variety of horse gram. Each different variety has its different characteristics. Select a variety depending on its availability, required climatic and environmental conditions and most importantly its growing ability and yield in your area.

Climate Requirements:

  • The horse gram plants grow well in warm and dry climate conditions.The plants are extremely drought tolerant and they require less care.Although the plants can’t grow well on higher altitudes, mainly because of wet and cool climate (the plant can be grown up to an altitude of 1000 meter above the sea level)
  • Relative humidity between 50% and 80% is optimum for the growth of these plants and temperature ranging between 25 °C and 30 °C is ideal (the plants can tolerate up to 40 °C temperature, but the growth rate declines remarkably below 20 °C.)
  • For successful cultivation of horse gram,well-distributed rainfall of about 800 mm is sufficient. Although the plants can perform very well even under low rainfall areas.

Sowing Time:

  • August-September is the best time for growing horse gram. But we should sow the seed in the month of July-August if you want to grow horse gram as a fodder crop.

Seed Rate and Spacing:

  • The exact amount of seeds depends on the variety. But on an average, about 35 to 40 kg of seed per hectare.
  • For line sowing, 25-30 kg/ha is enough for a grain crop.
  • Row spacing: 40-45 cm during Kharif and 25-30 cm during Rabi about 5 cm plant to plant spacing.

Seed treatment:

  • Seeds must be treated with treating fungicide to reduce infection by fungal pathogens found in the soil. Horse gram seed is treated with Carbendazim 2 g per kg of seed.

Fertilizer Management:

  • Add at least 5-6 tons of FYM or organic manure per acre. And also added 20-22 kg of Urea per acre and 60-65 kg SSP/acre and MOP based on the soil test.

Water Management:

  • The horse gram plants are highly drought-tolerant. Although regular monitoring of the field is required for water stress or drought conditions, producing quality seed and also for maximum yield.
  • Ensure irrigation, especially at the time of flowering, pod formation and seed development stages.

Weed management:

  • Due to Luxuriant growth, an early wedding/hoeing is enough for weed management. Application of Pendimethalin @0.75-1 kg/ha as pre-emergence is required.After that one hand weeding at 20-25 DAS is recommended.

Disease/Symptoms and control measures:

  • Pod borer: It is a polyphagous insect. Caterpillar makes holes in pods, sometimes also feed seed.
  • Control Measures: Spray Quinolphos 25EC @2 ml/l of water.
  • Root rot: Plants show yellowing of the lower-most leaves followed by wilting.

Control Measures: Seed treatment with 1 g Carbindazim per kg of seed and avoid early sowing in infested areas.


An average, 7 to 10 q per hectare can be achieved.

Green Gram
Green Gram
Black Gram
Black Gram
Horse Gram
Horse Gram