Rice Based Cropping Systems
Rice Based Cropping Systems
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Green Gram

Botanical nameVignaradiata (L.) Wolzek
SynonymsMung bean
OriginIndia and Central Asia
General usageExcellent source of high quality protein in dietsConsumed as whole grain or dalGrown as green manureHusk of seed soaked in water as used as feed for cattle
Seasons grownKharif, Rabi and Summer
Crop status2012-2015
Crop status2012-2015
Area covered30.41 lakh ha
Total production14.24 lakh tons
Odisha yield337 kg/ha
National yield468 kg/ha
Nutritive valueProtein: 24-25%Fat: 1.3%Minerals: 3.5%Fiber: 4.1%Carbohydrates: 56%Calcium: 124 mg/100gPhosphorus: 326 mg/100gIron: 7.3 mg/100gCalorific value: 334 Kcal/100gMoisture: 10%
Recommended varieties for Odisha 
KharifPDM 139, OUM 11-5, COGG 912, IPM 2-3
RabiPDM 139, LGG 460, TARM 1, OBGG 52, IPM 2-3
Climate requirementHigh temperature, less humidity, moderate rainfall (60-80cm)Water logging fatal for root developmentGenerally sown in rainfed conditions
Ideal soil typeLoamy soil with good drainageNot to be raised on alkaline, saline or water logged soils

Production practices

Field preparationPrepare good seed bed for proper germinationPlough the soil 2-3 times and then plankEnsure seed bed to be free of weeds and clodsFor summer crop, till after irrigation
Sowing timeKharif: mid June to 1st week of JulyRabi: December – JanuarySummer: 1st fortnight of March
Seed rateKharif: 15-20 kg seed/haRabi: 25-30 kg seed/ha
SpacingKharif: Inter row – 45 cm; inter plant – 5 cmRabi: inter row – 30 cm; inter plant – 5 cm
MethodManual: Broadcast behind ploughMechanical: Use a multicrop seeder
Seed treatmentFor soil and seed germination related issues:Seed treatment with Trichoderma Sp. @ 5-10 gms/kg of seed
For sucking pest control:Imidacloprid 70 WS @7g/kg
Mix well with seed before sowing
Nutrient managementBefore sowingApply 8-10 tons/ha of compost or farm yard manure 15 days before sowing
At sowing15 – 20 kg Nitrogen and 30 – 40 kg Phosphorus as 100 kg DAP/ha
Fertilizer should be placed 2-3 cm below the ground at the time of sowing
Water management3 – 4 irrigations required1st irrigation at 20 – 25 days after sowingIrrigate every 15 – 20 days post first irrigationLifesaving irrigation at early pod formation stageAvoid water logging
Weed managementWeed at least twice: 20 – 25 days after sowing, 40 – 45 days after sowingChemical control: Pendemethelin 30%EC@0.75/kg a.i/ha in 400 – 600 ml of waterUse flat fan nozzle for spraying
Disease management 
Yellow mosaic virusCausal organismGemini group of viruses transmitted by white fly
SymptomsTender leaves show yellow spotsOlder leaves turn yellow
ControlRogue out diseased plantsControl white flyTriazophos 40 EC@2.0 ml/l orOxydemeton methyl 25 EC @2 ml/lit of waterSpray at 10 – 15 days intervalsPlant resistant varieties
Leaf curlCausal organismMung bean leaf curl virus
SymptomsEnlargement and crinkling of leaves seen 3-4 weeks after sowingLeaves later become leathery
ControlRouge out infected plantsApply Imidacloprid 70 WS@5ml/kgFoliar spray of dimethoate 30 EC@1.7 ml/ha at 30 days after sowingUse flat fan nozzle for spray application
Insect pest management 
White flyCausal organismBemisia spp.
SymptomsDownward cupping on leavesHoney dew on leavesBlackening of leaves
ControlTriazophos 40 EC@2.0 ml/l orOxydemeton methyl 25 EC@2.0 ml/lSpray at 10 – 15 days intervalsUse sticky trap for insects
Stem flyCausal organismOphiomyiaphaseoli
SymptomsDropping off of the first two leavesYellowing of panicle
ControlFollow clean cultivation practicesPlant resistant varietiesPractice seed treatment for sucking pestsSpray Imidacloprid 17.8 SL@0.2 ml/lt or Thiomethoxam 25 WG @0.3 g/lt 15 days after sowing
HarvestHarvest when more than 80% pods are matureHarvest in two rounds to avoid shattering losses
ThreshingBeat with stick or trample using bullocksUse a pulse thresher
DryingClean seeds should be sundried for 3-4 days to bring down the moisture levels to 8-10%
StorageStore in appropriate storage containers like the painted pot or an air tight bagSeeds can be stored in the IRRI super bag
Green Gram
Green Gram
Black Gram
Black Gram
Horse Gram
Horse Gram